

25 Uppsatser om Martha C. Nussbaum - Sida 1 av 2

Eudaimonia! : Martha Nussbaums aristoteliska försvar för en reformering av högre utbildning

This essay aims to examine Martha Nussbaum's proposal for a classical defense of reform in liberal education and her critique of utility thinking in higher education. I want to explore how Nussbaum uses history to create an ethical alternative that cultivates both moral and intellectual virtues, which she considers to be crucial for the survival of democracy. In examining Nussbaum's use of Aristotle, I focus on her work as a proposal for institutional implementation of an Aristotelian epistemology and the cultivation of the individual as an ethical political subject. This study highlights the epistemological, educational and political ideas that form the basis of Nussbaum's ideals. I intend, however, to go beyond a contextualizing reading and thus establish a dialogue with a radical intersubjectivity to respond to Nussbaum's ambitions to recognize human vulnerabilities as assets for reason.

Narrativ föreställningsförmåga: ett spivakianskt ?hopp i den andres sjö?? : Nussbaum, Spivak och att (med skönlitteratur) skapa förståelse för den Andra

This survey is a theoretical analysis concerning didactics of literature, in which I problematize what Martha C. Nussbaum describes as ?narrative imagination?. By using postcolonial theory, more specific: Gayatri Spivaks essay ?Can the Subaltern Speak?? and her theoretical formula ?a leap into the other?s sea?, I try to answer the following question: Can ?narrative imagination? be understood as a manifistation or concretisation of ?a leap into the other?s sea??The answer that is given concerning my general question is simply: No.

Ett värdigt liv ? Alla människors rättighet? : en studie om gömda flyktingars livsvillkor

The aim with this study was to increase the knowledge about as well as shed light on hidden refugees? living conditions by compiling research about hidden refugees? living conditions and complete this research by doing a field survey with people with different knowledge and experience of hidden refugees? living conditions. The result was analyzed on the basis of Nussbaum?s list of ten human abilities and the convention of human rights. The study showed that hidden refugees' living conditions are experienced as very critical, and characterized by lack of human rights as well as means to utilize and develop their abilities.

Feminism och mångkulturalism : en fallstudie om motsättningar mellan individrättigheter och grupprättigheter

Hedersrelaterat våld och praktiserandet av traditioner som arrangerade äktenskap och polygami har aktualiserat diskurser rörande erkännande av kulturella divergenser i en rad västliga länder. Studiens syfte är att belysa ståndpunkter i diskursen som rör kvinnors individuella rättigheter och gruppens rättigheter i ett mångkulturellt sammanhang vilket sker ut ett textanalytiskt perspektiv samt ur det levda livets. Jag utgår från filosofen Martha Nussbaum teori om mänskliga funktionsförmågor och definition av mänskliga rättigheter. Jag har analyserat två aktörers texter i diskursen, Susan Moller Okin (förespråkar individrättigheter) samt Charles Taylor (förespråkar grupprättigheter). Studiens centrala fråga samt övergripande frågeställningar är:Vad är mänskliga rättigheter?- ur det filosofiska perspektivet,- ur Taylors respektive Okins ståndpunkter och- ur det levda livets?Jag har intervjuat en kvinna, från en annan kulturell kontext än den svenska, om hennes valmöjligheter och handlingsutrymme.

Etiska emotioner : Om emotionens roll i etik

Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att undersöka emotionernas roll i vår etik. Detta har jag undersökt med hjälp av filosofen Martha Nussbaum, vilken har utformat en väl tilltagen teori om både emotioner och dess roll i etik. Genom att sätta upp tre punkter på vad en teori om emotioners roll i etik bör innehålla, (1. innehåll, 2. giltighet, 3.

En ny diskussion kring religionsfriheten : Alternativ till religionsfrihetsbegreppet under Europakonventionen och Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna

Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.

Religiös slakt- En mänsklig rättighet? : Ett studium om det är etiskt försvarbart med kosher- och halalslakt utifrån Martha C Nussbaums förståelse för djurens rättigheter och människans rätt att utöva religion.

Denna uppsats handlar om religiös slakt och hur etiskt försvarbara den judiska kosherslakten och den muslimska halalslakten är, detta utifrån ett människorättsperspektiv i jämförelse med ett djurrättsperspektiv. Uppsatsen utgår till stor del utifrån författaren Martha C Nussbaums teorier kring människors rättigheter och djurs rättigheter, där hon i båda ämnena tar upp ?the capability approach?, som handlar om vad varje människa och djur som ett minimum, för vad ett värdigt liv kräver, har rätt till. I uppsatsen finns även avsnitt om kosher- respektive halalslakt samt ett kapitel om jordbruksverkets syn på konventionell slakt och dess innebörd men också deras syn på kosher- och halalslaktI analysen, analyseras de olika delarna för att försöka hitta svar på min frågeställning. Analysen inleds med ett människoperspektiv utifrån, ?the capabilities approach?, där jag analyserar konsekvensen av ett förbud mot kosher- och halalslakt.

?Fortsatta reformer ska bidra till varaktigt ho?g sysselsa?ttning, fra?mja ho?g produktivitetstillva?xt och sta?rka Sveriges konkurrenskraft." : - En studie av svenska politikers syn pa? utbildning

Denna uppsats har sin utga?ngspunkt i Martha C. Nussbaums tes om humanvetenskapens utsatthet i en va?rld da?r beslutsfattare alltmer stra?var efter ekonomisk tillva?xt. Nussbaum menar att de medborgerliga kompetenser som kra?vs i en fungerande demokrati ba?st tra?nas inom ramen fo?r humanvetenskap, men att denna disciplin nedprioriteras till fo?rma?n fo?r a?mnen som pa? ett till synes mer ma?tbart sa?tt fra?mjar den ekonomiska tillva?xten.

Karaktärer och cases : skönlitteratur inom ledarskapsutbildning

The aim for my thesis has been to investigate how literature, or fiction, is used in management education. What books are used ? is there a literary leadership canon? What do the educators and the writers on this subject suggest that these books can teach the leaders? What are the philosophical foundations of this education? And ? last but not least ? does what the educators and writers offer respond to the needs of the businesses? My investigation shows that there is a canon in the area of management and fiction, where realistic 19th century novels, alongside with Shakespeare?s plays are dominant. Female writers and non-western writers are very underrepresented. The positive outcomes of reading and discussing these literary works that the educators and writers suggest do substantially correspond with the needs of the businesses, as presented by my sources.

Det lika, det olika och det unika : tankar om ledarskap inom äldreomsorgen

Essän utgår från den praktiska klokheten, ett av Aristoteles kunskapsbegrepp. Den praktiska klokheten finns i sättet att vara och i sättet att kommunicera. Det behövs lyhördhet, uppmärksamhet och känslomässig begåvning för att vara praktisk klok. Genom att söka och beskriva det lika, det olika och det unika jämför jag ledarskapet för en mångkulturell arbetsgrupp i en stockholmsnära kommun med ledarskapet i en landsortskommun. Jag beskriver och diskuterar ett medskapande ledarskap samt behovet av att ibland tillämpa ett mer auktoritärt ledarskap.

Vad betyder n-ordet för unga läsare? : Reaktioner på rasistiska tendenser i Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Chronic illness is associated with conditions that may result in psychological ill-health in the adolescence. Consequently there is a need for development of preventive psychosocial support interventions for this target group. The objective was to develop, implement, and evaluate the effect of supportive intervention group program for teenagers suffering from chronic illness - aiming at increasing quality of life and supporting mental and physical health. Method: Six different intervention groups were conducted between 2007 and 2011, age 13?17.

Banden mellan historia och arkiv

Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.

Seldonplanen : En studie av determinism och upplysningsidéer i Isaac Asimovs Stiftelse-trilogi

Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.

Frihet, närhet och livsviktiga gräl : Ett gott föräldraskap enligt Gunnel Linde

Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.

Med läsaren i centrum : Rosenblatts reader-responseteori som "narrative imagination"?

In this thesis ? concerning didactics of literature ? I perform a reading and theoretical analysis of two pivotal works within reader-response theory, more precisely: Literature as Exploration (1938) and The Reader, the Text, the Poem ? The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work (1978), both written by Louise M. Rosenblatt. The object of this analysis is to examine whether Rosenblatts? theory and methodology can be used to accomplish understanding for ?the other?, what Martha C.

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